Thank you, Walking Tacoma readers, for your patience. This is my busy time of year work-wise, and with the added hassle of our burglary, it's taken me several weeks to get back up to speed on my walking project. Nevertheless, I'm back on the street! Here's my total progress so far:

To put it in perspective, here's the park board's map showing Tacoma divided into its four quadrants, and clearly delineating the city limits. My plan is to walk every street within the city limits. The magenta shading shows the area in which I've walked every street so far.

I'm currently walking on the east side of the University of Puget Sound campus. UPS is one of our two Universities (within the city limits), so I'll want to share more about this historic school with you shortly.
I'm excited about walking those areas of the city that I'm least familiar with. Those include most of the NE quadrant, as well as a good deal of the NW. For now I will continue to work my way toward the Narrows and the Point of Tacoma's north end.