Saturday, October 17, 2009
Storm Walking
I feel for the person who never walks outdoors in a storm. The changing light on wet surfaces as the sun fights its way through dog-piling rain clouds makes for some beautiful visions of ordinary things. The sun broke through the amorphous army of gray today to light up the golden house above as I passed by (I've rendered it here as a cutout).
Animals are subdued on stormy days which makes for a paucity of birdsong. On the positive side, however, dogs are less aggressive and cats are more willing to pose for the camera from the safety of covered porches.
The maple trees are in their glory now, like the one below that's near South 8th and Pine streets.
Another variety of Maples at S. 12th and Pine streets made it look like the landscape was bleeding.
It was truly a red-letter day because I was able to spot a rare Chameleon Beetle!