Sunday, July 17, 2005

Sawing Record 1889

On a cloudy May 17, 2005, I walked from N 30th and McCarver up around N Park Dr, up to Tacoma Ave on 11th and back down Carr, a total of about 2 miles. I'm interested in everything about Tacoma's culture, and particularly about it's history, material and spiritual. Thus, I'm always happy to discover a historical monument or marker that was hitherto unknown to me. Today I found the Ackerson Mill monument. I've adjusted the contrast on the photo of the inscription to make it easier for you to read. The monument itself stands on the corner of N 11th and N 27th streets.
Perspectives change with time. The logging industry must now take environmental concerns into account in its practices and public relations. Today it might not boast in the thousands of board feet milled, as much as in the acres of forestland replanted.

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