Monday, October 30, 2006

Pentecost Walk in Tacoma

My walking project is small potatoes compared to Tom Demaree's. Tom and his friends have walked 6,000 miles across the length and breadth of the United States, praying for our country as they go. Now Tom and his friend Kevin Roberts are going to specific cities across our nation and walking with the concerned citizens in each location. On October 21st they came to Tacoma.
Tom and Kevin lead what they call a Pentecost Walk. You can read about it at I was asked to design the route for the Tacoma walk, so I included our beautiful Wright Park, as well as Tacoma General Hospital and other points of historic and civic interest. Tom stopped the parade on the northern border of Wright Park to exhort the pastors who were among the 70 (or so) walkers.
We couldn't have planned better weather for the Pentecost Walk. It was a glorious day and our route included lots of fall color.
Autumn is a metaphor for death, but there was a wonderful sense of life among the people who walked with us this day.

1 comment:

  1. I've met Tom, and Kevin and the Roberts clan have been life-long friends. Great to see their ministry impacting Tacoma!
