Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Indian Henry Trail

In our neighborhood an eroded monument marks the location of Indian Henry Trail. What are now 84th Street and Steilacoom Blvd were once the first road to Tacoma from Fort Steilacoom to the southwest. This road was the theoretical evacuation route for white folks in 1853, in the times of the "Indian wars."

Here's a closeup of the eroded portrait of Indian Henry in a full headdress.


  1. I moved to Tacoma in April 2010 to accept the position as Sr Pastor of Valley View Christian Fellowship on Waller Road E. I should be walking on a regular basis (for good health maintenance) but I don't get excited to just walk around the church's parking lot. What you are doing, however, inspires me. Is there any chance that i could accompany you on one of your walks?

  2. I just want to say that I LOVE your waling website. This is the coolest EVER!!!! Love the pics. Thanks for sharing. Love your appreciation of life. Finding your site today was a gift from God!

  3. Hi. A bit of your trail information is incorrect. Indian Henry's trail ran from Longmire near Mount Rainier north through Spanaway and into Tacoma. It is the present day Pacific Avenue/SR-7. It was the first road to Tacoma, but did not run between Tacoma and Steilacoom. You can pull the documentation off the web; Google "Historic Roads and Trails of PIerce County." Gary Fuller Reese is the author. It's also available at the Tacoma Public Library.
