Sunday, September 11, 2011

Longmire Meadow

Kaaren and I walked the loop around Longmire Meadow this afternoon. Yes, I know it's not in the Tacoma city limits, but Mt. Rainier National Park is part of our Tacoma culture, and it hardly feels like leaving home when we go there.

We saw the signs of a great deal of beaver activity around the meadow's main pond. Mr. and Mrs. beaver were sleeping away this hot afternoon inside their cool water-access home, but they've clearly been busy.

Mt. Rainier National Park holds many delightful memories for our family. We praise God that this beautiful place is only an hour's drive from our front door. When Mr. Longmire first built his sulphur-spring spa here at the meadow, it took people days to get here, with the first leg by train, and the second by horseback.

My annual pass to the park expired last month, and I bought a new one today in faith that I'll be back soon!